Review: Shattered by Teri Terry

shatteredShattered by Teri Terry
Genre: Dystopian
Published by: Orchard Books
Pages: 402
Format: E-Book
Rating: ★★★★
Series: Slated (#1), Fractured (#2)
Where to Find: GoodReads | Amazon

As a finale to a trilogy, this book was something incredibly different. It wasn’t ‘Mockingjay’, and it wasn’t ‘Allegiant’. It wasn’t wild, it wasn’t action-packed, but the calm after the storm of ‘Fractured’. I didn’t know what was going to happen to Kyla, and where she was going to go, but I sure was pleased with were she ended up.

Plot and Pacing
As I said, this was the most mellow of the three books. We found out about Kyla’s past life in ‘Fractured’ and now it was just about seeing what she’d do next. The answer? Find her birth mother.  Continue reading “Review: Shattered by Teri Terry”

Reading Multiple Books at Once

I’ve always found myself to be the kind of reader that can’t help but read multiple books at once. It’s a habit I’ve always had and one I hope to break!

My most recent example of this ‘reading sin’ began when I started to read ‘Fractured’ by Teri Terry. (Note I write started and not finished…we’ll get to that later.) I really enjoyed ‘Slated’, the first book in the trilogy, and it has been over a year since I read it. When I saw the sequel in my local library, I knew I had to read it. Also, the ‘Slated’ trilogy was what I pulled out of The Series TBR Jar this month, so I had an obligation to read it!

I got 180 pages through, but then….

Continue reading “Reading Multiple Books at Once”

Review: Fractured by Teri Terry

fracturedFractured by Teri Terry
Published by: Orchard Books
Pages: 420
Format: Paperback
Series: Slated (#1)
Rating: ★★★
Where to Find: GoodReads | Amazon

‘Fractured’ was a totally wild read. Even though I read ‘Slated’ last year, the content was still burning in my memory. It was an excellent start to a series, and definitely one with a lot of scope for a sequel. ‘Fractured’ did not disappoint, neither did it follow the cliche of being worse than the first book! Hurrah!
In this book, we follow Kyla as she searched for answers about her past, present and future, with non stop action and lots of big reveals that made my jaw drop.

Continue reading “Review: Fractured by Teri Terry”