Finishing (LOTS OF) Series

Recently, I’ve been on a series finishing binge.

Coincidently, it seems, in all the trilogies I’ve have on the go, I’ve read the first two books and have the final book to complete. This is the perfect scenario, because not only do you get the satisfaction of finishing a book, but that epic-ness of finishing a whole series, even if it might have been ages since you read the previous books.

So, series I’ve managed to complete:

  1. Thphoto 1e Kane Chronicles – this has been on my TBR for literal YEARS. I read the first book as soon as it came out, managed to get half way through the second one, and then gave up, even though the third book was in my possession, and hardback (a complete rarity on my shelves.) Finishing this series felt like the b
    iggest achievement of the year, because it was so long awaited. Finally, I can cross the books off thousands of to-read-lists I’ve made throughout the months!
  2. The Grisha Trilogy – I read Shadow and Bone, and Siege and Storm back to back. They are some of Bee’s favo
    rite books, so I was really pleased to be cracking on with such important books on her shelves. BUT, she refused to buy the third book because it was ONE CENTIMETRE taller and wider than the other two, and she wanted her trilogy to match. I don’t know how long we had to wait for Ruin and Rising to be released in normal book size, but it was worth the wait. Although I might have almost forgotten some of the plot, this was such an amazing end to the trilogy and really drew everything together, in a neat little bow.
  3. Ever After High – This was a cute and fun read where I could completely shut off my brain and soak up the adorableness of the fairy tale world. I’m familiar with the characters and the setting, so it was super sweet to see them in writing, not just on screen. This trilogy was basically ice cream to me.

Series I’m so almost done with:

  1. photo 2The School For Good And Evil – I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH. *throws glitter* I re-read the first two books to prepare for ‘The Last Ever After’. It’s a beast, at just over 650 pages. All the pages are going to be magical, I told myself, don’t be scared by the length….
    …I got scared by the length. I’ve been putting off just finishing this series because I seriously don’t want it to be over. Agatha and Sophie’s story needs to remain open forever. I’m only doing what the Storian would have wanted.
  2. Lux Series – Only ‘Opposition’ to go. Unlike the other series, this one has five books, which means finishing the series has been in the making for a while. I read the first four in quite a rapid succession, and slowly and gradually they’ve been getting better, by half a star each book. I’m hoping that the final book will blow me out of the water or make up for the bad star ratings of the first couple of books. Maybe that’s why I’m not jumping to finish this series?

Phew! That’s quite a lot! Now, I’ll take a breather before diving in to any more series!

Review: The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

Kane ChroniclesThe Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Genre: Adventure/Quest
Published by: Puffin
Pages: SO MANY.
Format: Paperback and Hardback
Rating: ★★★
Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

This trilogy has been on my TBR for years. I remember asking my grandparents for ‘The Red Pyramid’ for Christmas when it first came out. My story with these books is that I read the first and half the second, but never managed to finish. We’re moving to university towards the end of September, so I wanted to finish these so I didn’t have to take them with me. And, I have to say, I loved the trilogy overall. It was great. I definitely think more people should pick up The Kane Chronicles, it’s just as great as it’s brother series, ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’. Here’s why… Continue reading “Review: The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan”

The Riordan Empire

When anyone brings up the subject of Greek mythology, it is no longer the Disney’s 1997 adaptation of ‘Hercules’ that comes to mind, with its colour coded gods and clueless hero, but Percy Jackson, the prodigy of Rick Riordan, rightfully labelled as the Myth Master. When I imagine this author, he’s wearing a laurel on his head, with Nike on his shoulder.

I recently finished the ‘Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods’ anthology of short stories, both an educational and humorous discussion of the twelve Olympians and, you know, Hestia. It was amazing. I could pick it up and put it down, enjoying stories I knew and stories I was yet to discover. Who knew Dionysus was the god of androgyny? Or that Hera was so evil? (Ok, we all knew that one.)

But Rick Riordan has managed to create an empire of mythological goodness. Let’s have the run down!

1. First, there’s Percy Jackson. This guy is probably more famous than his Greek namesake. He battled Kronos from the age of eleven, until he was sixteen, slowly falling in love with Annabeth, who’s adorable, no question. With Percy, we experienced many summer and winter solstices, the sea of monsters, the labyrinth and many epic battles.

2. Then, there’s Jason Grace. He’s not as great, but still great. We all had to get over the fact that he wasn’t Percy before we could accept him and his girlfriend, Piper as the neo-Percabeth (a registered OTP) Jason gets his own book, but the second book in his series is all about Percy. (Yippee!) We get to experience both Greek and Roman mythology and a new cast of gods and goddesses. Of course, epic battles are present, but it’s the friendship between Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel and Frank that warms my heart the most.

3. Carter Kane was technically the second of Rick’s demi-god children, but everyone overlooks him because he’s Egyptian…and not Percy Jackson. I’ve only read one and a half of Carter, and his sister Sadie’s, series but I hope to enjoy even more gods and goddesses in the coming year. Plus, there are some PJ and Kane Chronicles crossovers, which solves the lack of Percy problem.

4. The next up and coming demi-god is Magnus Chase, a Norse guy. And yes, we all recognise Annabeth’s surname. Does that mean even more crossovers?! We shall have to wait and see. (Dang it, Rick, write faster!)

As you can see, it’s mostly males that are getting the spotlight series. But Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Reyna, Sadie and Zia are all kick-ass females who can fight monsters and demons without their boyfriends’ aid. My wish would be to see a series devoted to the girls of the Riordan universe, forming a super group of demi-god warriors.

There are a lot of other books that supplement the Riordan universe, such as the ‘Demigod Files’, ‘The Demigod Diaries’, ‘PJATO Ultimate Guide’, ‘KC Survival Guide’, etc. all of which are valuable additions to your selves.

It’s safe to say I love Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan, and look forward to the expansion of his literary empire!