Review: Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher

16112830Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher
Published by: Penguin
Pages: 397
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★.5

I’ve been looking for Billy and Me in stores ever since I read You’re The One That I Want in December 2014. When I finally saw it, I literally jumped to get it, and read it the same day, in one sitting. I love Gi, her videos on YouTube are so quirky and chatty, and she seems like a really lovely person. After reading her debut, I was a little disappointed…P  L  O  T
Billy and Me is about a normal woman, Sophie, who works in a teashop and lives in a small village that’s being used as the backdrop for a film. Billy is the leading actor who falls in love with Sophie’s normal charm. Throughout the book, we see the couple’s first interactions, moving in together, fights and catastrophes. But, thinking this was a romance novel, I was surprised to see there wasn’t that much romance in the story.

Apart from their first date, which was dreamy, the couple barely held hands! Of course, you knew their relationship was at the next level when they moved in together, but I was expecting a bit more sweeping off her feet type stuff.

I really enjoyed the film set and red carpet bits, it gave the whole plot some glamour and the first part, where Sophie and Billy were still in her little hometown was my favourite part.

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Because of Billy’s career, he was bound to have to do things, like kiss other women, as part of that. But what Billy kept stressing was that it was just acting. If you’re dating a film star, this is bound to happen, so I thought Sophie’s jealousy was a little predictable, and immature. She was getting upset over what he was being paid to do. It was like she didn’t understand that everyone in the industry is under those obligations, not only Billy.

Sophie’s backstory helped flesh out her character, from a socially awkward girl in a tea-shop, but apart from that, there was nothing special about any of the characters, really. They were normal, and that was so refreshing to read. It felt like I was watching one of Gi’s videos while reading, because it was so easy to understand and fun for the moment you’re reading it.

V  E  R  D  I  C  T
Overall, I enjoyed Billy and Me for what it was. I definitely preferred Gi’s second novel, but it was still sweet to see what started her career. If you can get past a few cliches and Sophie’s irritating behaviour when she’s in London, then this is a very cute book, not a diamond, but has its own sparkle.

3 thoughts on “Review: Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher

  1. I got a copy of this and was looking forward to reading it. I agree You’re the one i want was her best book by far. Her 3rd book also was pretty disappointing, and with your review I am not sure If I want to read this one.

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