Review: Demon Road by Derek Landy

23253921Demon Road by Derek Landy
Genre: Supernatural
Published by: HarperCollins
Pages: 507
Format: e-book
Rating: ★★.5
Note: I received this book from the publishers in exchange for an honest review. 

I really appreciate this book in terms of it’s genre. I think if you’re looking for the perfect mix of Percy Jackson and the TV show ‘Supernatural’ then you’ll probably love this book! It’s pacy and a little gory, but if you’re up for that, then I would definitely give it a go. However, I don’t think Demon Road was my cup of tea. I like a lot of the elements individually, but putting them all together didn’t suit my tastes.

Continue reading “Review: Demon Road by Derek Landy”

Review: Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

25322449Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Published by: Harper Collins
Pages: 403
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★★★★

We received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

Radio Silence was one of our most anticipated releases of 2016. After Solitaire made it to the top of our favourites list in 2015, we couldn’t wait to see what Alice Oseman would write next. Solitaire established her as an author that understood teenagers and what they went through on a daily basis, the struggles and the successes. Radio Silence continues this trend, and includes messages about doing what you really want to do, regardless of what others expect from you and sometimes what you think you’re future should be, isn’t what it will be, and that’s OK. After reading, we’d consider Radio Silence a necessary read for any teenager stressing about university and school expectations. Basically, the book asserted that everything is normal, and completely fine, which is exactly what teenagers need to hear.

We went out and bought copies of Radio Silence, before we received copies from the publisher and this is definitely a book I’m happy to own more than one copy of!

Because we loved Radio Silence so much, this review will be a list of everything we loved and why we loved it. Different to usual, but a gushing review is always a pleasure to write. Continue reading “Review: Radio Silence by Alice Oseman”

Review: Fire Colour One by Jenny Valentine

23499242Fire Colour One by Jenny Valentine
Published by: HarperCollins
Pages: 256
Format: ARC E-Book
Rating: ★★★★★
Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

The main plot point is Iris, the protagonist, discovering the existence of her dying father and getting to know him during his final breaths. It’s a basic concept, but was a refreshing story about family – love ’em, or hate ’em, we’ve all got them. The story was so fleshed out with back story, and context of the painting being discussed, I was never bored while reading. In fact, I read the first 60% in an hour, it was so addictive and fast paced. Continue reading “Review: Fire Colour One by Jenny Valentine”