Review: The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

Heroes_of_Olympus_-_The_Son_of_NeptuneThe Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Published by:
Hyperion Books
Rating: ★★★
The Lost Hero (#1) | The Mark of Athena (#3) | The House of Hades (#4) | The Blood of Olympus (#5)
Where to Find:
Goodreads | Amazon

Rick Riordan, you have outdone yourself, my friend. Percy is back. PERCY. IS. BACK. I could barely contain my excitement! I’d missed him so much! Jason, Piper and Leo were great, but Jason could never replace Percy, so it was lovely to have his charming perspective again. I enjoyed this sequel more than the first. I though Hazel and Frank’s backstories were really interesting, and the quests seemed even more exciting. The Roman camp was so new and different to Camp Half-Blood, I really enjoyed learning about it, and who doesn’t love a bit of Roman mythology?

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