Spoiler Review: Insiders Duology by Maria V. Snyder


Inside Out and Outside In by Maria V. Snyder 
Genre: Sci-Fi, Dystopian
Published by: Mira Ink
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★.5

I’ve made it my goal this year to try and read all of Maria V. Snyder’s works. It’ve been an avid reader of her Study series for a really long time, and her foray into dystopian sounded like exactly the kind of thing I would like. In a world were people are separated into Upper and Lowers, where the Lowers look after everyone by doing the jobs no one wants to do, we follow Trella, a scrub, who just might know how to get people to the elusive Outside where they can’t be controlled by an oppressive society run by the Controllers.

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