Review: Rite of Redemption by Sarah Negovetich

30237509Rite of Redemption by Sarah Negovetich
Published by: Self-published
Pages: 242
Format: ARC e-book
Rating:  ★★★
Note: We received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

It’s been such a lovely experience getting to finally finish the Acceptance series. Sarah contacted us to read the first book, Rite of Rejection back when our YouTube channel had under 1,000 subcribers and it meant so much that a self-published author thought that our audience was big enough to share her work with. Since then, Sarah’s finished the series and we’ve got over 5,000 subcribers, so we’ve all come a long way since the debut, especially the characters of the series.  So, without further ado, let’s discuss.  Continue reading “Review: Rite of Redemption by Sarah Negovetich”

Review: The Last Star by Rick Yancey

24955557The Last Star by Rick Yancey
Genre: Dystopian
Published by: Penguin
Pages: 338
Format: e-book
Rating: ★★
Series: The 5th Wave (#1) | The Infinite Sea (#2)

I feel like the world has been waiting a long time for this finale to drop. The 5th Wave was such an action-packed story but the second left a little something to be desired, and I’m really sorry to admit that the third book took it down another notch. Not gonna lie, but this was kind of a mess. After the wait I was expecting something spectacular! With an awesome ending and satisfying closure on the whole things, but once again, I was left feeling disappointed. Here’s why:

Continue reading “Review: The Last Star by Rick Yancey”

Review: The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth

D  I  V  E  R  G  E  N  T
is one of the best dystopian books out there. Tris was so refreshing and determined, she didn’t whine about her situation, or second guess. She knew that Dauntless was where she was meant to be. The world was fascinating, and it was easy to imagine how the world would be divided by personality traits. Everyone loves the idea of sorting themselves, whether it be in a Hogwarts house or a District, so to have Factions was really cool for fan involvement.
The romantic relationship didn’t overpower the book. Tris and Four seemed to complete each other…to begin with.
The villains were villainous. Like, actually evil. I just wanted to cower away from Peter while reading it. And what about Eric? That guy gave me the creeps, especially when he forced Christina over the edge of the cavern. The rest of the Dauntless faction were a fun bunch too, a lot of the room for moral dilemma.
Divergent was filled with action: the capture-the-flag style game is one of my favourite scenes. And, everyone loves the underdog, so watching Tris go from a weakling to a fighter was amazing. I really cheered her on the whole way. But, Dauntless was about more than physical fighting so how unforgettable were the simulations? I still can’t stop thinking about when Tris had those birds clawing into her mouth, and it’s been two years since I read the book!
What made it even more successful was the idea that there was something going on, on a larger scale. What the heck was Jeannine up to? Why were the Divergents such a threat? It meant that the sequel had a lot of potential.

I  N  S  U  R  G  E  N  T
definitely suffered from second-book-syndrome. I think this is mostly because it wasn’t as memorable as the first book. The battles were spicing up and they did a lot more…battle. And running. We can’t forget about the running.
It was definitely a good plan for the team to go to Amity. Getting to learn more about the ins and outs of each faction, and discover that things aren’t always as happy as they seem was great, because you started to wonder just how flawed the faction system was. Giving a voice to the factionless worked in the same way. Who was really better off?
But then we had Caleb who created the biggest ‘can-I-trust-you-just-because-we’re-related’ complex ever. Seriously, this guy never sorted out his priorities. And his priorities should have been with the Priors, am I right?! (Ahaha, that was too easy.)

A  L  L  E  G  I  A  N  T
But Allegiant on the other hand…I don’t know how to feel about it. I love the risk Veronica Roth took with the direction of the story. Realistically, it was the only way it could have gone, and aligned with her character’s personality. It was unexpected and fresh. The two viewpoints were new too, but I found the Tris and Four’s voices became indistinguishable.
There was a lot of unnecessary death in the last two books, some were sad and others were just…emotionally fodder. There doesn’t need to be so much death to build impact. But, the most disappointing was the explanation of the divergent phenomenon. I’ve previously stated that genetic experiments are my least favourite way to clarify a dystopian story, and I think the root of that dislike lies in Allegiant. 

My length and strength of my thoughts in indicative of how I felt about the series as a whole. I can 100% see myself re-reading Divergent but the other books in the series…well, not so much. Still, I think it’s a triumph that the progression of the series doesn’t stop me from wanting to re-read the first book. It’s still a gem and always will be.

Review: Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins

UnknownSweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins
Supernatural, Romance
Published by: HarperTeen
Pages: 379
Format: E-Book
Rating: ★★★★
Series: Sweet Evil (#1), Sweet Peril (#2)
Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

As Anna and Kai’s story draws to a close, the two have to deal with a civil war between their race. What if you don’t want to do the Devil’s work, anymore? Is a happily ever after still possible? In Sweet Reckoning, the world begins to unravel as Anna realises love is stronger than any other emotion.  Continue reading “Review: Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins”

(Spoiler) Review: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

22535408Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Genre: Fantasy
Published by: Indigo Books
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
Series: Shadow and Bone (#1), Siege and Storm (#2)
Rating: ★★★★
Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

In the final book of the Grisha Trilogy, Alina and Mal must hunt for the final amplifier in hopes of destroying the Darkling and his power once of for all. Full of action, tragedy and the occasion sweet kiss, Ruin and Rising is one of the best series finales I’ve ever read.

The characters have reached their climatic peril. It’s all go for the gang. How many other ‘this is it!’ quotes can I put in a plot summary? Basically, we’re in for a wild ride. (Woohoo, cliche counter cracked!)  Continue reading “(Spoiler) Review: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo”

Review: The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

Kane ChroniclesThe Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Genre: Adventure/Quest
Published by: Puffin
Pages: SO MANY.
Format: Paperback and Hardback
Rating: ★★★
Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

This trilogy has been on my TBR for years. I remember asking my grandparents for ‘The Red Pyramid’ for Christmas when it first came out. My story with these books is that I read the first and half the second, but never managed to finish. We’re moving to university towards the end of September, so I wanted to finish these so I didn’t have to take them with me. And, I have to say, I loved the trilogy overall. It was great. I definitely think more people should pick up The Kane Chronicles, it’s just as great as it’s brother series, ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’. Here’s why… Continue reading “Review: The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan”

Review: Rebel Heart and Raging Star by Moira Young

13561584 18456137Rebel Heart and Raging Star by Moira Young
Genre: Dystopian
Published by: Sphere
Format: Paperback
Series: Blood Red Road (#1)
Where to Find: Goodreads | Amazon

The TBR dictated that I was going to be reading the Dust Lands trilogy this month, so I powered on through the series and eventually I finished it. I didn’t really have enough to say on the books individually because they didn’t really grab my attention, and I’ll admit that I was skimming my way through the majority of the second half of these books.

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Review: Unfriended by Katie Finn

0-545-21128-XUnfriended by Katie Finn
Contemporary, Romance
Published by:
Pages: 340
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★★★
Series: Top 8 (#1) | What’s Your Status? (#2)
Where to Find: Goodreads | Amazon

This book was the perfect conclusion to the series! There were a lot of repeated themes, and the problem has basically been the same this whole entire series – dang it, Isabelle, every time! But no matter what Unfriended was excellent, because it really shows the joy of friendship and has a lot of good messages about communication and forgiveness.

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Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

dosabDaughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
: Fantasy, Romance
Published by: Hodder & Stoughton
Pages: 418
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★★★
Where to Find: Goodreads | Amazon

‘Daughter of Smoke and Bone’ is the perfect example of a ‘Bee Book’. She read it first and really enjoyed it, even though there were no faeries involved. So, I was tentative to try it out – our taste in books doesn’t differ that much, but this has been sat on Bee’s shelf for so long, I kind of forgot I could read it.
Bee never knew how to describe it to me, and now I totally understand why. A lot happens in DOSAB, that it’s hard to categorise it by genre. It literally fits no conventions, and I think that’s what’s made it so successful!

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Review: Fractured by Teri Terry

fracturedFractured by Teri Terry
Published by: Orchard Books
Pages: 420
Format: Paperback
Series: Slated (#1)
Rating: ★★★
Where to Find: GoodReads | Amazon

‘Fractured’ was a totally wild read. Even though I read ‘Slated’ last year, the content was still burning in my memory. It was an excellent start to a series, and definitely one with a lot of scope for a sequel. ‘Fractured’ did not disappoint, neither did it follow the cliche of being worse than the first book! Hurrah!
In this book, we follow Kyla as she searched for answers about her past, present and future, with non stop action and lots of big reveals that made my jaw drop.

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